Home Sea angling reports A phenomenal 70 different species for Killybegs Mariners so far this year

A phenomenal 70 different species for Killybegs Mariners so far this year


The club species tracker for Killibegs Martiners SAC for this year stands at 70 different species so far…what a phenomenal achievement!

Club member John Cunningham also hit a major milestone during the week, catching his 60th species for the year. John added a saury to his impressive list…this truly is some fantastic fishing with all sizes of fish from a few hundred pounds weight to a few ounces! Earlier in the week, John already added a trigger fish to his tally.

John Cunningham with his 60th different species for the year with this saury. Fantastic angling!
Trigger fish – species number 59 for John Cunningham for the year

There were also 3 new club record entry lengths this week with a boat ballan for Pat C, a boat rock cook for John C and a shore saury for Cormac B.

New club boat record ballan for Pat Cunningham

Last but not least, the Mariners league outing number 2 of 12 will take place this coming Friday evening 23rd September on Narin Strand 19.30 – 23.30 and as usual everyone is welcome to fish with the club with some great cash prizes on offer for 1st overall and 2nd overall plus longest flattie outside of the top 2 anglers each night.