Jim Clohessy had an urge to chase haddock and whiting so he pushed offshore to some likely ground. Fishing with friends he had a steady stream of haddock and whiting interspersed with some ling and pollack, red gurnard and even the ubiquitous blue whiting. Most interesting on the day more haddock were caught on lures than bait. Jim was so busy catching fish that he forgot to take many pictures!


In Jim’s own words, “We had more haddock and big whiting (up to 2.5lb) than you could shake a stick at. Superb angling.

Care needed at slip ways

Jim also added this warning: Be extra wary on slipways. Even the usually impeccable Paddy’s Point was treacherous at low tide. I have heard of a few slips and near accidents with trailers and people even getting hurt. So be careful out there.

A birthday pollack for John
A birthday pollack for John

Also out and about was Richie Ryan of Eire Bass who fished with John Pythian from the UK. John celebrating his 50th birthday at the weekend and headed to the water to mark the day. For his efforts he had some lovely pollack on fly.

Go fishing…

Eire Bass

Address Cobh Cork Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 86 1940744 Website: corkbass.com

Sea angling in Cork Harbour