Dan O’Neill, fishery manager at Mount Juliet, reports on the Nore:
With the water temperatures still low and weather a little challenging it made for a weekend of well thought of tactics. Saturday being the best of the two days saw some nice trout to the net. Wet fly was method of choice this weekend and it was enjoyable to say the least. Walking down along the bank in the early morning I listened to the pigeons coo and the woodpecker hard at work their noise echoing around strange acoustics of the woodland at George’s Wall. My first few casts, as with most this time of year, resulted in some salmon smolts again very good to see but extreme care as I mentioned in previous reports is needed with these little fellows.
Moving down slightly after meeting my second smolt in as many casts I spotted a splash just off the right bank. Covering the splash with my fly, it was a case of 3rd time lucky when a beautiful trout took my offering. Ducking and diving for freedom the trout eventually came to the net and was released after a quick picture.
The wind picked up slightly after an hour on the river and the temperature dipped a little too. I continued along the run having many more feisty browns on the wet fly and a few smolts also. I did try dry dropper in a tempting looking spot and had 3 or 4 trout on an olive nymph with an orange hotspot around the collar. A nice and productive morning.
On Sunday morning the weather had took a turn for the worst and casting was a little difficult even in the shaded part off the eel weir. I did manage a few trout on the wet fly but by 11am it was time to draw a line under this weekend.
Water Level and Temperature 04 April
Water Level .48 cm
Water Temp @12noon -> 8.9°C
Go fishing
Guiding / Beginner classes / Improvment classes,
For guiding or improvement on certain techniques I am taking bookings now for over the Easter break.
- Half days
- Full days
- Evenings
Dan O’Neill
Mount Juliet
Dan O’Neill, Fishery Manager, Mount Juliet Estate, Thomastown, Co Kilkenny, Ireland
Telephone: +353 85 7652751
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.mountjuliet.ie/fishing-on-the-estate.html
General Information
The river Nore is a beautiful river that meanders it way through counties Laois and Kilkenny before joining with its sister river the Barrow just upstream of New Ross on its way to the sea. The Nore gets a good run of Atlantic salmon and the river which is currently open for angling on a catch and release basis produced 563 salmon in 2015 and 599 salmon in 2016. Salmon fishing is available on a number of stretches including the Mount Juliet Fishery which is located just outside Thomastown, Co Kilkenny, approximately mid-way between Kilkenny City and New Ross.
For further information on the Nore please visit https://www.fishinginireland.info/salmon/south/nore.htm