P.J. O’Driscoll, Dublin, with a trout just over 4 lbs caught and released in Cloghans Bay on a Claret Dabbler.

Kevin O’Boyle reports n a tough week on loughs Conn & Cullin:

Anglers experienced yet another tough week on the loughs, as northerly and northeasterly winds persisted, and air temperatures remained very cool. Despite this, small hatches of Olives and Mayfly were noted in sheltered bays around the lakes.

Paul Delaney, ( Diller ) Dublin with a trout just over 2lbs in Castlehill Bay on a Bibio.

There were few anglers around because of the weather and fly life, and those that fished were mostly booked in on local angling competitions. The best results for fishing were in the shallower bays, where there were sporadic hatches, with deeper waters not fishing at all yet.

Paul Connor from Crossmolina, with a real yellow belly on a bumble along Fir Tree Shore.

Padraig Traynor, Crossmolina had 7 trout on his own wet deer hair Mayflies tying, in Castlehill bay all released. They averaged 1.25 lbs each. Three French anglers had some good sport on Lough Cullin, averaging 4 trout each around1.25 lbs, all released. P.J. O’Driscoll from Dublin had a trout of 59cm in Cloghans Bay, just over 4lbs on an Olive pattern and released back into the water.

Declan McKibben, Dublin, with a trout for 1.25lbs on a Claret Dabbler