David Edwards, skipper of the Silver Dawn at West Cork Charters, had some unbelievable blue shark fishing at the weekend…
03 September 2023: A long-range overnight shark trip showed that there is no shortage of Blues. 4 anglers caught 52 Blue Sharks including 2 large specimens of 190 & 195cm fork length 235 & 238cm length overall.
A small Porbeagle was a welcome diversion, as was an unusual double shot of Octopus and Megrim.
All fish (and octopus) were released following research sampling. Well done Paul Kirwan for taking the most and largest fish.
02 September 2023: Shark tagging today for Paul and Nick, who have spent the last 2 weeks on Silver Dawn targeting many different species, including their first ever Bluefin Tuna.
We’ve had some great weather and today was no different, 5 Blue Sharks were tagged with a further 5 dropping the hooks.
A great end to the fishing holiday for these long time friends and long-term visitors to West Cork, a quick nap on the way back to Courtmacsherry was needed.
Safe home lads.
29 August: Tuna were nowhere to be seen today, but at least the Dolphins were happy enough to show off for us.
26 August: While most charters this week have been offshore, we also did spend sometime on the inshore reefs, where some fine Pollack obliged. One angler also learnt the hard way that using a net is always preferable when a large cod needs landing and the boat is rocking!
25 August: It was great to finally have a crack at the Bluefin Tuna today after spending a few days on Sharks.

It took a while but we did bring a fine 94 inch fish alongside after watching some brilliant wildlife displays.