Home Sea angling reports Big pollack, cod, and more, specimens too at Courtmacsherry

Big pollack, cod, and more, specimens too at Courtmacsherry


Mark Gannon from Courtmacsherry Angling tells us that angling off Courtmacsherry has really taken off the last couple of weeks following the arrival of this summery weather…

In the bay Pollack fishing has been very good with great sport on light tackle with fish to 5 kgs, cod to 6 kgs and some good sized Coalfish. At anchor we are getting some good conger and Ling with Specimen Common skate, Specimen Spurdog and near specimen Bullhuss in the mix.

We’ve had some good days on the wrecks, heaviest Ling 23lbs. On one trip with slack tides we anchored on one of the offshore wrecks where previously we’ve landed conger to 67 lbs and as many as 111 fish boated in a day. The wind was easterly but fishing was very slack.

Small boat

The selfdrives are doing well inshore with good catches of pollack, thornback ray and in the estuary. Bass over 5lbs are common enough, and the anglers have had a few Gilthead Bream.

Seán skipper of the Lady Louise  is presently doing some research with Scientists from UCC and we’ll be sharing some of the results in a later post.

Hoping for a shark next week with the water warming up.

Go Fishing

Charter boats and self drive boats in Courtmacsherry

Courtmacsherry Sea Angling Centre

Address Woodpoint Guest House Courtmacsherry Cork Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 86 8250905 Mobile Phone: +353 23 8846427 Website: courtmacsherryangling.ie

Sea angling from Kinsale and Courtmacsherry