Courtmacsherry Angling and West Cork Charters have been working with the Courtmacsherry Skate Tracking project, a project lead by researchers at the University College Cork and the MaREI Centre. Underwater cameras and sensors were deployed last month, and the boats have been busy catching and tagging skate.
Anglers fishing with Courtmacsherry Angling had a triple hook up on skate earlier this week and landed all of them. They finished the day with 5 skate, the biggest caught on the last drop.
West Cork Charters had a long distance wreck trip blown off last week, so a last minute trip for Skate was quickly organised. There were three Skate to 200lb+ caught, all females. Yesterday a fine Irish specimen sized male was caught by Luke Harman, the first male in study so far. As with all Skate, once necessary samples and tagging are complete, they are safely released to be tracked and studied for their future protection.

Project public meeting
Courtmacsherry is one of few refuges for this Critically Endangered species. Dr Danielle Orrell, one of Courtmac’s resident Marine Biologists, will describe how they catch and track these huge animals as well as study their “fingerprint” like spots, reproductive health and pesky parasites. Everyone is welcome to join her at the information evening over in the Courtmacsherry Hotel on Wednesday July 12th at 7pm.

Go fishing…
Courtmacsherry Sea Angling Centre
Courtmacsherry Sea Angling Centre offers charter boat fishing and inshore small boat hire.
Lady Patricia
Aquastar 38′. 370 HP
Skipper: Mark Gannon
Licence: 819
Base: Courtmacsherry Operational Area: 30 miles out from Courtmacsherry
Notes: Mark has two Aquastar 38’s, Lady Patricia and Lady Louise. Specialising in wreck fishing, Mark’s boats have consistently provided specimen fish over the years. Shark, reef and general inshore angling also on offer.
Lady Louise
Aquastar 38′. 370 HP Caterpillar
Skipper: Sean Maxwell
Licence: 818
Base: Courtmacsherry Operational Area: 30 miles out from Courtmacsherry
Authorised blue fin tuna boat 2024
Notes: Mark has two Aquastar 38’s, Lady Patricia and
Lady Louise. Specialising in wreck fishing, Mark’s boats have consistently provided specimen fish over the years. Shark, reef and general inshore angling also on offer.
Inshore small boat hire
With our Self Drive boats several different activities can be enjoyed. Our self drive 16′ Boats are equipped with 8 HP Yamaha 4 stroke engines. Equipment includes:
• Set of oars
• Life-Jackets
• Anchors
• Charts of local area
• Rods and Reels can be hired
Silver Dawn
41′ Rodman 1250. Twin 430 HP Engines
Skipper: David Edwards
Licence: P5 Licence
Base: Courtmacsherry Operational Area:60 miles to sea from ports from Kinsale to Portmagee
Authorised blue fin tuna boat 2024
Notes:The range of fishing found within close range of Courtmacsherry is superb, with trips producing anything between 6 and 15 different species as a norm and in excess of 20 is possible if anglers are prepared to change methods and use different baits and lures throughout their trip. As a rule mackerel, pollock, cod and ling are usually encountered but several species of wrasse along with whiting, pouting, coalfish, bull huss, conger and many more are often added to the catch.
If you do choose to head offshore to sample the superb shark fishing available within 10 miles of Courtmacsherry, there is a very strong chance of encountering blue sharks and an increasing chance of bringing a porbeagle shark to the boat.
Sea angling from Kinsale and Courtmacsherry