Home Coarse angling reports Oakland leads after first Round of Munster Teams League

Oakland leads after first Round of Munster Teams League


Munster Council Coarse Angling reports on the first round of the Munster Teams League…

First round of Munster Teams league took place today on Coachford Greenway, Inniscarra Lake with 8 teams taking part.

Conditions were very windy and difficult for angling at times during the day, but the lake still fished reasonably well, must of the anglers opting to fish the tip but there was a few braved fishing the pole and whips.


  • Oakland (Blue) had a great start to the league with 9 points.
  • 2nd was the Polish Angling Team (SM) with 13pts
  • 3rd Munster CAC on 13pts with less weight.

Individual winner  1st Tommy Lawton

Section Winners

A section, Kevin Leahy 5,540
B section, Tommy Lawton 15,140
C section, Trevor Platt 8,200
D section, Pat Barry 13,080

league table

league table

Next round Oaklands Lake, New Ross 5th March 2023.

Munster Coarse Angling Council

The Munster Coarse Angling Council is a provincial council of the National Coarse Fishing Federation of Ireland, NCFFI – the NGB for coarse and predator angling in Ireland.  www.ncffi.ie