Home Pike fishing reports High water hampers Limerick County Pike Anglers

High water hampers Limerick County Pike Anglers


The Limerick County Pike Anglers were on the scout all week to find a local venue that was fishable after the recent rain had swollen watercourses all around the county. Eventually, they had to admit defeat and head up the country to fish a canal venue which had suffered less from the rise in water.

A foggy start to proceedings…

They were greeted by a typical autumn morning on the water, as fog clung tight to the water, held there by a layer of cold air that took a while to dissipate. But once it did, the day turned out to be fine and sunny, and some of the anglers even had a bit of colour on their faces by the end of the day.

One of the better fish on the day

The fishing was slow enough, as is often the case after a lot of rain, and the fish were biting tentatively and those that stuck were on the small side. Tommy Williams ended up with five fish which was enough to top the rankings on the day.

Full report on the LCPA Facebook page.

Please fish in a sustainable manner