Vincent Appleby reports from Lough Currane…
21/9/2023 Straight to the Hampshire Hogs report,
Hi Vincent,
not much to report today, a millpond this morning and bright sun all afternoon, a couple of trout but otherwise no good.
Hampshire Hogs are staying at and fishing out of and with [email protected] and For the rest of the Currane anglers it was all quiet in all departments.? On the C&R Inny just one Salmon caught on the fly reported. Weather as reported by the Hampshire Hogs.
22/9/2023 There was some great action on Lough Currane today, so we start with the Currane Hampshire Hogs and their report on today’s manipulations.
Hi Vincent,
a fine C&R late springer for Mr. Nigel Henshaw, estimated about 10 -11 lbs, fishing with the Commander-in-chief Mr. Michael O’Sullivan of Waterville boats and at [email protected] a couple of trout each for myself and Mr. Peter Ruffel, on the Butlers Pool.
We head Upstream back to Lough Currane, one hired out boat had 7 trout on the drift and 5 brownies on south side of lake.
Now we head for the C&R River Inny, 2 grilse caught Inny fly 3/4lb.
Now we head for The Hampshire Hogs, award ceremony in the Villa at Hampshire Hogs Currane Champion is Mr. Peter Ruffle and wins the award for the most salmon this year. As you can see the Crack was first class in the Villa. Hampshire Hog has the last word on tonight’s report, and I quote,
Cheers Vincent, back next year, Currane is always a pleasure.
Hampshire Hogs are staying at and fishing out of [email protected] and
23/9/2023 Lough Currane was on the wild side with gusts up to 65 km/h average speed was 46km/h So if there was anyone out there I take it their lines were slack going by WhatsApple. Just for the record their were anglers fishing on the World famous Butler Pool and at and fishing out of [email protected] Wind SSE veered SSW.
24/9/2023 Again Lough Currane was on the wild side with a strong Southerly wind and veered SW and variable. Just for the record there was heavy rain this morning. And it’s made a big flood and there were no boats reported out. Amount of rainfall yesterday 19.4mm.
25/9/2023 Well it’s the last week of the Salmon Season 2023 and not a bad start before storm Agnes hits the Emerald Isle but more on the storm Agnes in tomorrow’s notes. Now to the facts of the day, there was one Grilse caught on the fly on the World famous Butler Pool and at Now we head upstream to Lough Currane, there were a few Sea Trout C&R released up to 3 lbs and followed by a few Brown Trout. Now we cut across the Valley to the C&R River Inny, The C&R Inny Farmer reports that there were at least two C&R Grilse. Wind SSW fresh to strong and variable. Yesterday’s rainfall was 24.4mm.
26/9/2023 We will start with Storm Agnes so it’s batten down the hatches Kerry, their forecasting 27.9 mm of rainfall for Lough Currane On today’s report all I can say it made a fair bit of rain last night, so you can take it for granted the Currane anglers put their C&R hats on and headed for the C&R Inny River, what’s that I hear you say, where’s the C&R Inny Farmer, well I can say this, his binoculars weren’t much good to him because he was out of town but watch this space. Wind WSW fresh to strong followed by the odd heavy shower.
27/9/2023 The facts of the day on Storm Agnes as it hits Waterville on a rock and roll tone, as you can see by the Videos and thankfully there was no technical knockouts and that includes electricity so far. Wind 9am SSE veered again at 10am S, veered again at 12pm into the SSE veered again at 1pm SSW, veered again at 2pm SW and veered into the West at 3pm followed by violent gusts throughout the day. Staying with the Storm a big thanks to all the videos and photos you sent for tonight’s report. Yesterday’s amount of rainfall 20.2mm, so will have to use your imagination on yesterday’s Inny manipulation.
Vincent Appleby
Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0) 87 207 4882
E-mail:[email protected]
Sea Trout – Catch and release only
Inland Fisheries Ireland wishes to remind anglers that the Conservation of Sea Trout (No.7 or Kerry District) Waterville Area Bye-Law No. 971 of 2019 remains in effect. This Bye-law prohibits the retention and possession of any sea trout (Salmo trutta L.) taken by any fishing engine or by rod and line in the Waterville area i.e. that part of the sea eastward of a line drawn from the most westerly point of Bolus Head to the most westerly point of Lamb’s Head and to all the waters discharging in to it.
The Bye-Law mainly affects seatrout fishing on :-
- the river Inny (Knockmoyle) and its tributaries
- the waters of the Waterville system, including the Waterville River, Lough Currane, the Cummeragh River and all their tributary rivers and lakes
- the waters of Ballinskelligs Bay
A new online survey has been developed by IFI for the Currane catchment to gather anglers’ knowledge – the survey method called FLEKSI was developed by IFI to help give an insight into the status of the fishery. Currane Anglers are needed for Citizen Science survey to examine fish stocks
Go fishing…
Find out more about Lough Currane…
The rivers and lakes of Waterville drain a large catchment and are regarded by many as the foremost Salmon and Sea-Trout fishery in the country. The lake system is well developed with access to boats and guides being readily available to the tourist angler. The Sea-Trout caught here are renowned for their size and quantity. For more details see: