Vincent Appleby reports from Lough Currane…
16/8/2023 The Currane anglers were all quiet in all departments as they get ready on the Yellow rain warning with thunder and flash floods forecasted for Friday, the amount of estimated rainfall for Waterville is 22.1 mm. Wind light SW followed by bright sunshine.

17/8/2023 The Currane anglers report in all was quiet on the SW front this day. Now we head down Murphy’s road and for good reason, as you all know the flood is on the cards, so as you can imagine there will be a full cast of C&R Inny anglers hoping to catch the one that got away. Just for the record Photographer Eagle Eye took a cracker of a photo of the sunrise this morning as you can see. Wind SSE light to fresh followed by good cloud cover.
18/8/2023 Storm Betty, I wet me trousers will miss Kerry later tonight it won’t be too bad except for the yellow rain warning. Now today’s Currane action, all I can say is, it was rough out there with a moderate to strong SE wind at times and overcast followed heavy rain at times and in the words of one Gillie, it’s made a big flood. On the Inny front it was on the rise late this morning and as of yet I have no reports, but you can be sure there was a good C&R cast of Inny anglers up their when the conditions were in their favour.
19/8/2023 Betty’s yellow rain warning certainly wet me trousers in style with 73 mm of rainfall, in total there was 82.3 mm of rainfall within 24 hours. Now straight to the Inny Farmer and his report on today’s action, At least 4 fish caught on the C&R Inny, 2 on the fly and 2 spin. Now I find it astonishing that I’m getting reports of Worming on the Commeragh and the Inny today, I have to say I have No proof of this but it was reported to me by email.
20/8/2023 Currane anglers were all quiet going by my WhatsApp. Now we head for the C&R Inny anglers, the Inny farmer reported that it was quiet and finished his report by saying in my opinion Vince you can take that with a pinch of salt, experience tells you that? Wind fresh SSW and followed by good cloud cover and warm.
21/8/2023 I start today’s report on the sad news that retired ambulance Driver Mr. Timothy O’Shea RIP of Spunkane, Waterville passed away today. The reason I mention this is because Timothy comes from a great Salmon fishing family in Waterville and fished himself, as we all know Timothy was a renowned ambulance driver for Kerry, even when Timothy took the road to retirement he was always there to help as I found out personally myself, when I was coming back home from fishing I came off my bike, he followed the ambulance to St. Ann’s Hospital in Cahersiveen and waited till I got the all clear and then He drove me home. So, on behalf of all the Currane anglers and the good people of Waterville and Kerry we send our Sincere Sympathies to all of Timothy’s family. Well Timothy you may be gone but you certainly won’t be forgotten.
22/8/2023 The Currane anglers were all quiet today.
23/8/2023 The Currane anglers were all quiet on the Western front in all department’s. Wind NW light followed by the odd light shower.
Rest In Peace Timothy.
The Currane anglers were all quiet today.
Vincent Appleby
Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0) 87 207 4882
E-mail:[email protected]
Sea Trout – Catch and release only
Inland Fisheries Ireland wishes to remind anglers that the Conservation of Sea Trout (No.7 or Kerry District) Waterville Area Bye-Law No. 971 of 2019 remains in effect. This Bye-law prohibits the retention and possession of any sea trout (Salmo trutta L.) taken by any fishing engine or by rod and line in the Waterville area i.e. that part of the sea eastward of a line drawn from the most westerly point of Bolus Head to the most westerly point of Lamb’s Head and to all the waters discharging in to it.
The Bye-Law mainly affects seatrout fishing on :-
- the river Inny (Knockmoyle) and its tributaries
- the waters of the Waterville system, including the Waterville River, Lough Currane, the Cummeragh River and all their tributary rivers and lakes
- the waters of Ballinskelligs Bay
A new online survey has been developed by IFI for the Currane catchment to gather anglers’ knowledge – the survey method called FLEKSI was developed by IFI to help give an insight into the status of the fishery. Currane Anglers are needed for Citizen Science survey to examine fish stocks
Go fishing…
Find out more about Lough Currane…
The rivers and lakes of Waterville drain a large catchment and are regarded by many as the foremost Salmon and Sea-Trout fishery in the country. The lake system is well developed with access to boats and guides being readily available to the tourist angler. The Sea-Trout caught here are renowned for their size and quantity. For more details see: