Donavin Brinklow reports from the River Erriff, where a long dry spell was broken by several floods in the last few days. Fresh water and lower temperatures brought salmon into the river, and anglers have been enjoying good sport this week.
25th June
J. Delaney landed salmon of 3lbs, 3.5lbs and 6.5lbs on Beat 9 in the Middle Garden Pool and Falls Pool using a Willie Gunn. Billy Moylan landed a 2.5lbs sea trout in the Lower Garden Pool on an Ally’s shrimp. S Prestley landed a 7.5lbs salmon on Beat 5 – Glenacally Pool – on a Delphi Dog. C. Reynolds landed a 3lbs, 4lbs and 3.5lbs salmon on Beat 9. P. Coyne landed a 3lbs and a 4lbs salmon in the Falls Pool and a 4.5lbs salmon in the Middle Garden Pool on Beat 9 using an Ally’s shrimp.
26th June
C. O’Leary had a great day, landng a 3.5lbs salmon in the Middle Garden, a 4lbs salmon in the Falls Pool and a 4lbs salmon in the Lower Garden Pool, and a 5lbs fish in the Sea Pool on Beat 9 using a Sunray Shadow.
27th June
E. McCarthy landed a 5lbs salmon and a 0.5lbs sea trout in the Sea Pool, and a 3.5lbs salmon in the Falls Pool on Beat 9 using a Cascade. M. Witort landed a 3lbs salmon on Beat 6 using a Cascade. D. Flynn landed a 5lbs salmon on Beat 7. S. Fleming landed a 3.4 lbs salmon on Beat 5 on an orange shrimp. J O’Neill landed a 7lbs salmon on Beat 8 using an Ally’s shrimp. G. Merrick landed a 5lbs salmon on Beat 9 with a Collie Dog. E. Ledesma landed a 6lbs salmon on Beat 4 Cottage Pool. V. Henry landed a 5 lbs salmon on Beat 9 using a Willie Gunn.
28th June
P. Coyne landed a 4.5lbs salmon in the Bridge Pool on Beat 9 using an orange shrimp. G. Merrick landed a 4lbs salmon on Beat 9 also with an orange shrimp.
Go Fishing
The Erriff System is comprised of the Erriff River and the two small loughs of Tawnyard and Derrintin. The River Erriff is one of the premier salmon fishing rivers in Ireland. A spate river, it is characterised by lively streams and deep fish-holding pools. It has 8 miles of prime angling water, divided into 9 beats. Beats are un-crowded with only two rods on most and a maximum of 3 sometimes. Angling is rotated on a daily basis.
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