Steve Schrek reports on salmon fishing on the Moy for the week ending 13/08/23.

Even though water levels at Ballylahan bridge tapered off fast and stayed at a beneficial height after the weekend’s big flood, salmon fishing on the Moy catchment left much to be desired last week. In total 77 salmon have been reported caught for the week.

Ballina Salmon Anglers reported 29 salmon caught last week, all in the range of 3lbs to 6lbs.

Mount Falcon recorded 8 fish, two of which were released. Successful methods were worming and spinning. The best fish weighed 5.5lbs.

Knockmore Salmon Anglers reported 5 salmon, weighing between 4lbs and 6lbs.

Attymass Angling Club recorded 3 fish caught on the worm, weighing around 4lbs.

Coolcronan Fishery reported 2 salmon caught.

Byrne’s Fishery recorded 3 salmon for the week,

Gannon’s Fishery reported 2 salmon, both weighing 4lbs.

The Foxford Fishery recorded 3 salmon.

Foxford Salmon Anglers reported 10 salmon last week.

Cloongee Fishery reported 1 salmon of 4lbs for the week caught and released on bubble and fly.

East Mayo Anglers reported 10 salmon for the week, 7 of which were released. Three salmon were double figure fish, 12lbs, 10lbs and 10lbs.

One salmon of 4.5lbs was reported caught upstream of Cloongullaun bridge on a spinner.

Go fishing…

River Moy