Home Sea angling reports Bombarda does the business in Belmullet

Bombarda does the business in Belmullet


Brendan Harvey and a group of friends have been travelling to Belmullet for the past few years to fish a species competition in memory of a friend who has passed. This year they spent four days in the area shore fishing on a number of marks and they had some nice fishing including a few conger to 20lb. Brendan and his friend Anto decided to try something new on this trip and rigged up a Bombarda float with a sandeel fly imitation. And it only took 10 minutes for the technique to pay off, as a hungry pollack smashed the fly. It’s always great when a new technique pays off, and hopefully we’ll hear more from Brendan and the guys when they are back in Belmullet next year.


Bombarda does the job for Belmullet pollack