This in from the Cork coast as Jim Clohessy of finally gets back on the water after a month-long wait:

It’s something like four weeks since our last run… a terrible run of weather indeed, so it was great to get back on the water again last Thursday!

We decided to hit the reefs in the hope of getting a bend in the lure rods. We launched from Paddy’s Point and headed offshore after nabbing a few mackerel in the harbour without too much faffing about.

Our first reef proved to be a hive of activity. We were into fish straight away. Some fabulous chunky pollack and even the odd cod among them.

We could have stayed on this mark all day such was the level of action but we decided to move about a bit. We came a cross numerous bait balls bringing hammered by little mackerel. Great to see loads of gannets and shearwaters working. You’d think that if these shoals hang about, the Tuna will surely find them…

We took a breather at anchor for a couple of hours. No big flat fellows… only conger. We worked our way back to the harbour stopping here and there. The was generally a lot of fish about and all were bursting with sprat and little mackerel.

Touched back down and spent some time filleting some fish. A grand end to a super day on the water.