Skipper Sean Maguire says the last week has been “a beauriful week to have been on the ocean, and even with all the sunshine the fishing was still top class.



With such good fishing, we’re tempted to get out ourselves. If you’re looking for a day on the water with some great fishing, give Sean a call!

Go Fishing

Lady Gwen II

Fishing Adventures on Séan Maguire’s Lady Gwen II, a Lochin 33  M265Ti Perkins charterboat which operates 15 miles from Kilbaha, Carrigaholt, and Kilrush.

Whether you want to go to the Atlantic Ocean for a large selection of species, including different types of shark, or fish the estuary for ray conger tope etc, Fishing Adventures will cater for whatever fishing you desire.
Telephone: +353 (0) 877508758 or +353 (0) 894431182
Email: [email protected] Web: