Killybegs Mariners SAC enjoyed more great fishing for smoothhound during the week. Read their report below…
A great run of smoothhounds for the Mariners out enjoying the catching and releasing of these very hard fighting fish on our local marks which is great to see. A good night’s fishing which included two double hound hook ups on the two snood traces for Chris Whyte.

Later in the week, a few casts with the lures after work close to home on the rocks was called for and great to see so much life about the bay with humpback whales and dolphins feeding on the smaller shoals in the bay.
Carrying light and just walking and flicking in lures to the galleys is a great way to fish and you can remember big fish from years ago that you would have caught from each location which always draws you back to that spot.

Was hard to get through the mackerel shoals with the metals so switching to the plastics produced a few decent pollack with one brute breaking the line whilst staying deep and rubbing the line in close. Shads bounced in close produced some wrasse which always give a good account of themselves. An enjoyable evening out!