Sean Maguire, skipper of the Lady Gwen out of Kilbaha, reports on good fishing for guests over the weekend. They enjoyed pretty nice weather on both days, if a little choppy on Saturday. Species caught included pollack, coalfish, cod, gurnard and ling among others. And to cap the experience, they had basking sharks around the boat all weekend putting on a show!





Nice coalfish



A fine gurnard


A very decent pollack


Nice ling


Ballan wrasse


Cue the Jaws music! But despite their huge size, basking sharks are harmless plankton feeders and a wonderful sight to see.

Go Fishing

Lady Gwen II

Fishing Adventures on Séan Maguire’s Lady Gwen II, a Lochin 33  M265Ti Perkins charterboat which operates 15 miles from Kilbaha, Carrigaholt, and Kilrush.

Whether you want to go to the Atlantic Ocean for a large selection of species, including different types of shark, or fish the estuary for ray conger tope etc, Fishing Adventures will cater for whatever fishing you desire.
Telephone: +353 (0) 877508758 or +353 (0) 894431182
Email: [email protected] Web: