David Norman of Angling Adventures West Cork tells us it was so good to finally get the guided kayak fishing season underway last week…

First up was Michal Wolas who wanted to get out on the sea with me for the first time before going afloat to fish himself to fish so I biased the trip towards coaching in all areas and of course focused on safety. Highlights of the trip were a season’s worth of Wrasse in a variety of colours, some fun sized Pollock and a Humpback Whale bubble feeding nearby so we headed over for a look and sacrificed some valuable fishing time in the interests of whale watching!

Go fishing…

2023 Bookings are steadily building in my calendar but I still have prime tides available for lure & fly fishing so drop me an email if you’re interested in doing some 1-2-1 guided fishing with me – [email protected]

Click the listing below for more information…

Angling Adventures West Cork

Address Clonakilty Cork Ireland Mobile Phone: +353858492691 Website: anglingadventureswestcork.ie

Sea angling from Kinsale and Courtmacsherry

Sea angling from Clonakilty to Glandore Harbour

Sea angling from Beara to Galley Head

Sea angling on the Beara Peninsula