Steve Schreck reports from Loughs Conn & Cullin…
Activity on the lakes is still limited, but those who do venture out catch a decent number of fish.
Foxford Angling Club held their ‘Devaney Cup’ competition on Sunday 16th July. 18 anglers returned to shore with 9 trout over the size limit of 13 inches. Peter Roche won the competition with a lovely trout of 2.2lbs caught at Brackwansha. In total Peter caught 5 fish, but only the fish that was a keeper was the trout that won him the competition. Fishing was lively on the day with trout moving freely to wet flies with competitors returning a large number of fish on the day.
Bryan Kennedy came in second with a combined weight of 1.75lbs.
Third place went to Ben Browne with 1.5lbs and Brendan Murphy finished 4th with 1.25lbs.

Peter Roche fished with Michael Pollan around Brackwansha, Victoria Bay, Cloghans Bay and Gallagher’s Bay on Monday. The most productive spot turned out to be Brackwansha and the men caught 3 trout each on dry mayflies and dry olives.
Gerry Murphy Boat Hire reported on angling activity from his base at Brown’s Bay. Michael Sweeney and John Flanagan from Loughrea had an enjoyable day catching a good number of fish and so did Tom Cooley and Liam McHugh from Edenderry.