Junior angler Nathan Austin made our angling reports a couple of weeks ago with a superb pike from Lough Derg. Well, it didn’t take him long to get back to catching, and this time it’s a super trout that he’s managed to land. Over to Nathan for the story:
“This fish weighed 9.90 lbs and measured 78 cm, and it was caught trolling wobblers on a lake in Co. Mayo. I caught this fish on a size 2000 reel and a 3-12 gram rod. As it was a small reel, the fish took so much line it was very close to spooling the reel. You could see the knot that was tied when we spooled the reel with 23 lb line. As it took that much line, I thought it was a beast of a pike, but it turned out to be a huge brown trout. After 20 minutes me and my dad finally got in in the net.. after we weighed it and measured it and took photos we released it back in the water and as the wind started to pick up we headed in joyfully😃”

With a super pike followed by a stunning trout, I wonder what’s next on the list for Nathan…?