Steve Schreck reports from Loughs Conn & Cullin…
The Kieran Lynn Cup, sponsored by Murphy’s Bar and Murphy’s Boat Hire, took place last Saturday,16th September.
It was a very successful day for the 39 anglers who participated with 15 trout over 13 inches weighed in.
Bryan Kennedy won the competition for the heaviest fish, weighing 2.3lbs.

Second place for the heaviest bag went to Tommie Timoney from Crossmolina with two trout weighing 2.7lbs.
Third place went to Paul Ruane and fourth place went to Michael Tiernan.
All 10 anglers who weighed in fish were presented with a prize.
In addition to this, Frank Murray from Castlebar caught an amazing 6lbs 12oz trout dapping on the day.

Castlebar Anglers Association held the Jackson Cup on Lough Conn on Sunday 17th September. Sixteen anglers participated but conditions were poor and as a result, no fish were weighed in. The club intend to re-run the competition this Sunday 24th September, weather permitting. For further information contact Tony Baynes, Chairman on +353 (0)87 3128263.
Kelly’s Boat Hire report:
Padraic Kelly and Denis Michaels fished Brackwansha and Victoria Bay for two hours last Friday. Within this small window they managed to catch and release four measuring fish, 2 of which were around the 2lbs mark.
On the same day, Brian Creedon fished Cloghans Bay and managed to catch three measuring fish.