Steve Schreck reports that the lakes are still very high, but angling activity has picked up and therefore quite a few uplifting reports are to be made.  The presence of salmon in the lakes appears to have increased and three anglers were lucky enough to report catching a salmon on Lough Conn during the week.


Foxford Angling Club held the ‘Kilmurray Cup’ on the 13th of August.

  • John O’Connell won the competition, catching two trout with a combined weight of 0.95kg.
  • Joe Ferguson finished second with a combined weight of 0.8kg.
  • Eamon Kelly came in 3rd with 0.51kg.
  • Billy Murphy won 4th place with 0.43kg.


Kelly’s Boat Hire reports of an American party having had an enjoyable session catching several trout and a grilse. Another angler caught a fine 7lbs salmon.

Gerry Murphy Boat Hire reports of a Dutch angler catching two trout and a grilse trolling on Lough Conn.

Peter Roche fished around Cloghans Bay on Wednesday in rising water. He reported a good hatch of olives, catching and releasing a good 1.5lbs trout on a Dry Olive. Fish seem to start rising in the afternoon only at the moment.

On Saturday he fished Brackwansha and caught two fish in a good wave on a Red Arsed Green Peter Dabbler and a Johnson. The best fish weighed 1.25lbs.


Go fishing…

Trout fly fishing on Loughs Conn and Cullin