Pre-Spawn Pike Fishing on Lough Ree – big mommas!


Senan Stanley and Brian Connaughton from WildHunter were on Lough Ree earlier this month and they had some great sport targeting the big pike that live there. It was a great opportunity for Brian and Senan to put some of WildHunter own range of rods through their paces. Not content to mix it up with the pike they also get some lovely perch on small soft plastics.

“Start of Spring – Early march and while everyone was fishing shallow for big fish… we hit the deeps! It was still too cold for the big fish to start spawning, we gambled with our decision and it payed off! We found the big fish.”

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Address Unit 7 Diskin Centre Ankers Bower Athlone Westmeath Ireland Website:

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Athlone Angling Centre

Pike fishing around Lanesboro Angling Centre