May was a slow month with only 1 salmon caught by Urs Leibundgut on Beat 9 in the Gauge Pool on a Cascade weighing 10lbs. June started off slow with low water conditions. The river finally got the first bit of rain on the 9th, after nearly a month of dry weather. Niall Lynch took advantage of the dropping flood the next day, landing a 2lbs sea trout and a 2.5lbs grilse on Beat 9, fishing a Sunray.

John Phelan had two fine catches on the following two days, landing a 12lbs fish on the 11th, and an 11lbs fish on the 12th. Both fish came off Beat 9 and took a Cascade. The run of good fish continued, as the following day Eoin Warner landed fish of 14lbs and 9 lbs on Beat 5, fishing a Sunray tube. Alastair Purdy also landed 3 salmon to 7lbs in the Falls Pool on an Alastair tube.

The next few days saw water levels drop away again, although there were salmon for Jake Delaney and Conor O’Leary, and a few sea trout landed including 2 for James O’Neill to 2lbs.

Rain again on the 21st saw a nice flood of 1.7m on the gauge and the next day Lucy Leigh Livingstone landed a 4.25lbs grilse in the Falls Pool and Ken Livingstone had a grilse of 5.25lbs; both fish took a Park Shrimp. Over the next couple of days there were further grilse landed by Ken Livingstone, Alastair Purdy and Michael Wade, who had 2 fish to 5.5lbs off Beat 9. John Phelan had a grilse and 4 sea trout to his rod.

Another 1.8m flood on the 27th saw good water for the rest of the month, and among the anglers to capitalise were Henry and Eoin Cosgrove, who had a grilse each to 6lbs, Neil Spellacy with a 5lbs grilse, and Eugene McCarthy, who landed a grilse and 2 sea trout off Beat 9.

Keep ’em wet – good fish handling makes for successful catch and release

Unsettled weather was forecast for the start of July, which should help bring in grilse from the bay, and we look forward to good fishing reports next month.


Go Fishing

The Erriff System is comprised of the Erriff River and the two small loughs of Tawnyard and Derrintin. The River Erriff is one of the premier salmon fishing rivers in Ireland. A spate river, it is characterised by lively streams and deep fish-holding pools. It has 8 miles of prime angling water, divided into 9 beats. Beats are un-crowded with only two rods on most and a maximum of 3 sometimes. Angling is rotated on a daily basis.

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