It’s been like a tempestuous Shakespearean tragedy so far this Spring, with storms, high winds, rough seas, swollen rivers and everything else that mother nature could muster up throw at us. And, this has been all across the country. Anglers have had to be content with any small windows of opportunity that happened to come their way.
However, things have thankfully calmed in the Boyne region over the last few weeks as the heavy floods subsided. Water levels are now ideal for salmon fishing on the Boyne at Navan.
Although catches are low and the fishing is slow, it is nice to see some fish being caught. The earliest word on salmon being hooked on the system was on the Blackwater some weeks back with two fish being hooked and unfortunately lost. One of the fish was estimated to be in the 25lb bracket.

Anglers have had better fortunes in the last fortnight around Navan with three salmon being hooked and landed. First off the mark was Andy Tobin who connected with a lovely fresh run fish of 12 pounds.
The next fish was a superb 18lb salmon taken by well known fly angler Pat O’Toole, on the fly!

Last but not least, the final fish caught to date was a fresh run 6lb salmon which was caught by John Bagnall yesterday Monday 29th April. Spinning and fly are producing the fish and anglers are hoping for more sport as the weather improves.

All fish were carefully handled and released afer a quick photo. Pat’s fish which was not removed from the water nearly took the landing net with him as he swam off. We’ll keep you posted on future catches as reports are received.
Go Fishing …………
Information on salmon fishing in the north-east can be found at the following link