Home Salmon fishing reports Salmon catches on the up on the River Moy

Salmon catches on the up on the River Moy


Michael Murphy reports from the River Moy…

River Moy Angling Report week ending 23-06-2024

Water levels at Ballylahan fluctuated only slightly again this week with a reading of 0.4 m on Monday 17th dropping down to 0.35 m by noon on Sunday 23rd.  Catches were up on last week again with a total reported catch this week of 272 salmon for the system although some fisheries reported low levels of angling.

Weather wise the past seven days were drier than normal across much of the country with between 12% and 70% of average rainfall amounts recorded at most stations with the coming week expected to be more changeable and unsettled.

Moy Fishery

A total of 34 salmon were caught in Moy Fishery beats this week, 12 being taken and 22 being released back to the water. The Cathedral Beat had 1 taken and 1 released while the Ridge Pool had 8 taken and 21 released. The Weir Pool returned 3 fish for the week.

Billy Crory releasing his 7 lbs catch back to the waters of the Ridge Pool
Brendan Garland about to release an 8 lbs salmon at the Ridge Pool
Danny McCarthy with his catch
Adam Connolly about to release a 3 lbs grilse on the Moy Fishery

Ballina Salmon Anglers.

A total of 19 salmon were reported caught this week with 10 caught on the worm, 5 on the fly and 4 spinning. The majority were grilse from 2.5 lbs and 5 lbs.

Mount Falcon Estate

A total of 8 salmon caught with four being taken and four released with weights ranging from 3lbs to 8lbs.

Knockmore Salmon Anglers

Kenneth reported of just the 1 salmon caught with very few anglers venturing out this week.

Coolcronan Fishery

Nick reported of 6 salmon being caught this week using all methods with two taken and four released showing weights up to 6.5lbs.

Byrnes Fishery

Roy reported 8 grilse caught this week with weights ranging from 3 lbs up to 5 lbs. All fish were taken on the worm and prawn.

Armstrong Fishery

George reported 9 salmon caught for the week taken on the bubble and fly and prawn. The heaviest fish weighed 8lbs.

Gannon’s Fishery

Pat reported 9 salmon caught for the week of which 2 were released. The heaviest fish weighed 7 lbs with all methods successful this week including spinning, worming and the shrimp. Similar to some other reports, angling pressure was down.

The Foxford Fishery

Granville reported 34 salmon caught for the week using all methods with the best caught on the prawn weighing 10.5 lbs.

Darryl with a fine salmon from the Frenchman’s Pool on the Foxford Fishery

Reports were received of 15 salmon caught this week in the Foxford town area.  The bubble and fly and the worm appeared to be most successful methods with most fish ranging between 3 lbs and 6 lbs with the best weighing 9 lbs.

Foxford Salmon Anglers

Another good week’s fishing was reported with a total catch of 79 salmon caught for the week, with some fish released.  All methods were successful with prawn, worm and bubble and fly doing very well. Angler numbers have increased this week, and a midweek competition was held to honour the memory of Micky Ruane. It was won by a local young angler Sean Walsh with a 5 lbs grilse caught on the worm.

Sean Walsh proudly showing off his winning catch in the Micky Ruane Memorial competition

Cloongee Fishery

A total of 14 salmon were reported caught this week with 3 of these reported as being released.  Weights ranged from 2.5 lbs to 8.5 lbs, and most were caught on the fly with 3 reported caught on the worm.

East Mayo Anglers Association

A total of 34 salmon were reported caught for the week of which 15 were released.  Successful methods included the fly, spinning and worming with weights from 2 lbs to 11 lbs.  The heaviest fish for the week weighing 11 lbs was caught by Ian Guegan on the fly on 17th June.