Anglers fishing on the Brazen Hussy enjoyed some lumpy conditions over the last week, but the fishing gods rewarded them with some great sport. Targeting whitefish on the reefs paid dividends, with plenty of mackerel for bait, some cracking pollack and even a few brightly coloured red gurnard.

Fine pollack
A nice red gurnard


A father and son duo from Switzerland enjoyed an evening run out, where a bit of shelter in Casla Bay afforded them some nice fishing for pollack and mackerel, a nice interlude on their Irish holiday.

Go fishing…


To book fishing with John aboard the Brazen Hussy II, give him a call on 087 7571320

A regular day is between 9am- 6pm from either Rossaveal, Spiddal or Galway depending on species being sought after. Fishing on the inshore reefs for pollock, cod, ling, wrasse, conger eel and mackerel can be reached in 10 minutes from departure, while our offshore reef marks are within 45 minutes of departure. Our ground fishing for tope, spurdog, ray, bullhuss, turbot, plaice and the giant common skate can all be reached within the hour which ensures the most amount of time is spent fishing.
The shark season usually starts at the end of June and runs into late October, this is the ultimate angling adrenaline rush with these hard fighting blue and porbeagle sharks all being tagged and released safely.
Package deals available

Address: Baile an tSagairt, Spiddal, Co. Galway.
Telephone: +353 (0)87 7571320

Blue Shark Angling Galway,
Phone John Fleming : +353 (0)87 7571320