Home Ballinlough Ballinlough Fishery produces some fine brown and rainbow trout

Ballinlough Fishery produces some fine brown and rainbow trout

Ballinlough near Westport

Gerry Hoban reports from Ballinlough

Since the re-oping (1st May) of the Ballinlough Fishery near Westport, Co. Mayo, a total of 35 rods fished the lake catching 56 rainbow trout (35 released). Fourteen brown trout were also caught, 7 of which were released.

Most successful flies included Montana Black, March Brown as well as Boobie and Buzzer patterns. Heaviest overall fish was a fine 5 lbs. rainbow trout.

We also received a report from Andy Fogarty who recently fished the lake: “I fished this venue on Thursday 23rd May with an 80 year old fly angler who has mobility issues. My friend had not fished for several years due to the inaccessibility of several fisheries. Ballinlough was very accessible and we had a lovely fishing experience. We fished for five hours and met 9 lovely fish. We kept four fish, two rainbows and two brownies. All the fish were about 2lbs weight and were in excellent condition.”

Go Fishing

Permits are available online at https://permits.fishinginireland.info/product-category/mayo/ballin-lough-fishery/

Ballinlough is a shallow, limestone lake of 22 hectares located 3.2km north of Westport and is managed by IFI. It is a rich lake with a marl bottom and has been stocked with rainbow trout and brown trout. The fish are known to be free rising, and are encouraged by hatches of olives, sedges and wind-blown terrestrials. Trout can be taken on traditional wet flies including Peter Ross, Bibio, Invicta to mention but a few. Streamer patterns such as the Minkie and nymphs can also work well. Dry flies, however, can also provide great sport particularly during evening times and during sedge hatches.

Further information on day tickets and bag limits is available here.