Home Fly Fishing Trout fishing improves on Loughs Conn & Cullin

Trout fishing improves on Loughs Conn & Cullin


Michael Murphy reports from Loughs Conn & Cullin…

Peter Roche and Ian Wise gave good reports from the lakes this week.

On Mon 22nd Peter had 11 trout with three of them to measure. The best measured 41.5 cm and weighed 2.2 lbs. All were caught in the Brackwansha area. On Tuesday 23rd on Lough Cullin, Peter had 9 trout with one to measure. Back on Lough Conn on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th in the Castlehill area where there was an abundance of mayfly Peter had four trout. The best measured 41.5cm and weighed 2 lbs. Most of these fish were hooked on the Fiery Brown Dabbler and a Light Olive Dabbler.  All of Peter’s fish were carefully returned to the water.

Peter Roche’s first fish of 2024 on Lough Conn weighing 2 lbs and measuring 41.3 cm

On Monday 22nd Ian Wise from Cloonamoyne Fishery was out on Lough Conn accompanying two anglers who had a catch of 8 trout with 3 to measure.  All were caught on wet flies.

Further down the lake at the mouth of The Deel a 9.5 lbs salmon was reported caught and released while trolling.