Home Angling Service Providers Irish Fishing Guides and Instructors Directory Fishing Guides and Instructors in County Kerry

Fishing Guides and Instructors in County Kerry

Irish Angling Adventures

Address Kerry Ireland Mobile Phone: +353(0)860864486 Website: http://www.irishanglingadventures.com

Atlantic Fishing Pursuits

Address Sneem Kerry Ireland Mobile Phone: 083 0975850 Website: Atlantic Fishing Pursuits

Thatch Cottage

Address Kenneigh West Cahersiveen Kerry Ireland Phone: +353 66 9474721 Website: kerrybassfishing.com

Killarney Fishing Tours

Address Farranafore Kerry V93 A4W5 Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 87 1229352 Website: killarneyfishingtours.com

Upper Caragh Fishery

Address Blackstones Bridge Lyranes Lower Glencar Kerry Ireland Phone: +353669760199 Mobile Phone: +353872213835

Eclipse Centre

Address Dromore Old Kenmare Kerry Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 87 923 8794 Phone: +353 64 66 82965 Website: eclipseireland.com

Sheen Falls Lodge

Address Gortnadullagh Kenmare Kerry V93 HR27 Ireland Phone: +353646641600 Website: sheenfallslodge.ie

Wild Atlantic Fisherman Tours

Address Cappancush West Kenmare Kerry Ireland Mobile Phone: +353894068696 Website: wildatlanticfisherman.com

Killarney Fishing Adventures

Address Killarney Kerry Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 86 053 0862 Website: killarneyfishing.com

Killarney Fishing Centre

Address 3 Glebe Lane Killarney Kerry Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 86 843 5028

Salmon & Sea Trout Fishing

Address Eureka Lodge Caherdaniel West Waterville Kerry V23 XD63 Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 87 2074882 Website: salmonandseatrout.com

Neil O’Shea

Address Caherbarna Waterville Kerry Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 87 9942792 Phone: +353 66 9474527 Website: oshealoughcurrane.com

Lakelands Farm

Address Lake Road Waterville Kerry Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 87 4160200 Website: lakelandshouse.com

Fishing with Dom

Address Spunkane Waterville Kerry Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 87 2051515 Website: https://fishingwithdom.com/

Fly Fishing on Lough Currane

Address Termons Waterville Kerry Ireland Mobile Phone: +353(0) 87 922 8659 Phone: +353(0) 66 9474146 Website: flyfishingatloughcurrane.com

If you know of any fishing Guides and Instructors omitted from this directory please forward the name, contact details and other relevant information to the webmaster using the contact form at this link.