Home Angling Service Providers The Irish Tackle Shop Directory Tackle Shops in Co. Donegal

Tackle Shops in Co. Donegal

Youngs General Store

Address Hillhead Ardara Donegal Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 95 41514 Website: youngsgeneralstoreardara.weebly.com

Screaming Reels

Address Unit 3 Cornhill Business Complex Portnason Ballyshannon Donegal Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 86 403 9682 Website: screamingreels.ie

Buncrana Anglers Association

Address Angling Centre Castle Lane Buncrana Donegal Ireland Phone: +353 74 9363733

Charlie Doherty

Address Main Street Donegal Donegal Ireland Phone: +353 74 97 21119


Address The Bridge Dungloe Donegal Ireland Phone: +353 74 95 21163

O’Neill’s Electronics

Address Main Street Dunkineely Donegal F94 AWV3 Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 85 845 4574

Mooney Boats

Address Shore Road Killybegs Donegal F94 AEC5 Ireland Phone: +353 74 97 31152 Website: mooneyboats.ie

Amazonas Outdoor Store

Address 6 Pearse Road Letterkenny Donegal F92 E090 Ireland Phone: +353 74 9120649 Website: amazonas.ie

If you know of any fishing tackle shops omitted from this directory please forward the name, contact details and other relevant information to the webmaster using the contact form.