Keshcarrigan is another fine angling centre with a good selection of waters.
Lough Scur
Lough Scur is a large water which gives access to the Erne system since the restoration of the Shannon Erne Waterway. It contains Bream, Roach, Hybrids, Pike, Perch and Eels
Carrickport Lake
Carrickport Lake boasts Bream of 3 -4lbs and good Roach and Hybrids.
Kesh Lake
Beside the village, Kesh Lake also has Bream to 4lbs plus Roach, Perch and Hybrids.
Drumlaheen Lake
Drumlaheen Lake contains Roach and specimen Bream.
Castlefore Lake
Castlefore Lake is also good for Roach and Bream to 4lbs.
Shannon Erne Waterway
Fishing from stands near the village for Bream, Roach, Hybrids Pike, Perch and Eels.
Waterside car park with stand for disabled.