Coarse fishing
There is a wealth of rivers, loughs and canals to suit even the most discerning of coarse anglers. There is no closed season for coarse angling in Ireland and most of our waters offer free fishing. In many places large shoals of bream, hybrids and roach offer the possibility of bags of over 100 lbs. Many coarse angling visitors come for the unique angling festivals which take place for much of the year in rural Ireland. A hearty Irish welcome and the great match fishing experienced by coarse anglers is complemented by the numerous cultural events that take place during the festival week. While festivals provide companionship to those who like to fish in company, Irish coarse fishing also offers solitude and tranquillity on miles of unspoilt waters.
Salmon fishing
Irish rivers have healthy runs of salmon and sea trout and conservation measures which were recently introduced will ensure these stocks continue to flourish. Rivers such as the Munster Blackwater, Laune, Erriff, Moy, Drowes and Finn provide very good salmon fishing for both visiting and indigenous anglers. Sea trout fishing has seen an improvement in recent years, particularly on rivers and lakes such as the Ballynahinch system including Lough Inagh, the Moy and Erne Estuaries, the River Bandon and Lough Currane.
Trout fishing
Brown trout thrive in most waters and as such are found well spread over most of Ireland. In many areas fisheries are specifically managed for them; however they are also found in waters containing large stocks of pike and coarse fish.
Pike fishing
Pike are very common in Ireland but are most prevalent in the North, North East, and Midlands areas. They can be found to a lesser extent in the South, South West and West of Ireland. There are hundreds of loughs varying in size from a few hectares to thousands of hectares and many thousands of kilometres of rivers for pike anglers to explore. County Cavan for instance can boast of 365 lakes alone of various sizes all of which are connected to the River Erne and offer good pike fishing. Starting from the lower Lough Erne system at Enniskillen in Fermanagh, through to Upper Lough Erne, the Shannon Erne waterway connects to many major pike fisheries though Cavan and Leitrim onto the River Shannon and its many major lake networks and tributaries.