Learn to fish with Lough Ree Angling Hub at Lanesborough

Lough Ree Lanesborough Angling Hub are inviting novices of all ages to join their "Learn to Fish" course at Lanesborough on the banks of...
Lough Ree Angling Hub

Lough Ree Lanesborough Angling Hub Access for All boat award

Congratulations to the Lough Ree Lanesborough Angling Hub whose Access for All boat project anlong the voluntary crew have been honoured by the National...
Launch of the Laneborough Masters Coarse Festival

Major boost for Shannonside tourism as Lough Ree angling festival goes ahead 

Lanesborough Angling Hub tell us that with a strict Covid 19 protocol now in place, they will have their very first week-long festival of...

Record weight broken 5 times at Lanesborough International Coarse Angling Festival

Andy Burnett reports on the Lanesborough International Coarse Angling Festival... Well that is the Lanesborough  International Coarse Angling Festival over for another year.  This year's...

Andrew Seaburnett wins Lanesborough Anglers Winter League

Andrew Seaburnett reports on the Final round of the Waterways Ireland LoughRee Lanesborough Angling Hub Winter League Festival… 11 March: Final round of the Waterways Ireland Lanesborough Anglers...

Tommy Dowd wins the first autumn Lanesborough Festival

Andrew Seaburnett reports on the LoughRee Lanesborough Angling Hub Festival... Lough Ree North Angling Hub ran our first autumn angling festival on the weekend of...

Tommy Dowd wins the first autumn Lanesborough Festival

Andrew Seaburnett reports on the LoughRee Lanesborough Angling Hub Festival... Lough Ree North Angling Hub ran our first autumn angling festival on the weekend of...

Tommy Dowd wins 2018 International Coarse Fishing Festival

Adrian Osterloh of Lough Ree Laneborough Angling Hub reports that Ballyleague/Lanesborough was host to the 2018 International Coarse Fishing Festival over the Bank Holiday week-end. The...

Tench fishing improves at Lanesborough, bug rudd caught

Paul Waghorne, of www.lanesboroughangling.ie, got out one last report out before he had to cut short his trip to Ireland this year. We wish him a...

Good tench fishing at Lanesborough with fish to 6lb 6oz landed

Paul Waghorne, of www.lanesboroughangling.ie, reports from Lanesborough… 19 May: Right on cue, Mrs Nature sent some Tincas to Lanesborough. On Thursday, it was myself who struck first with a seasons...