Very quiet on Lough Currane with only a few kelts reported.

30/1/12 Again all quiet on the SW front, or you could say my noble fishermen failed miserably in their duties in all departments....

Some kelts and the occasional spent trout were reported from Lough Currane this week.

Local angling guide, Vincent Appleby reports on fishing in the past week from Lough Currane. 23/1/12 Just one or two boats out, and all...

Some kelts and spent trout reported from Lough Currane since the first salmon was...

From Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel, angling guide Vincent Appleby reports on the past week’s fishing trends on the LOUGH CURRANE system: 17/1/12 Now down to today’s...

A salmon of 8.5 lb. from Lough Currane is the first salmon of the...

Vincent Appleby from reports that the first salmon weighing 8.5 lb. of the new season in Co. Kerry was caught at 9.50 am...

Good catches of sea trout and a few salmon reported from Lough Currane.

Local angling guide, Vincent Appleby reports on fishing trends on the Lough Currane system. 26/9/11 Lough Currane was on the quiet side, just a few...

Specimen sea trout of 10 lb 3 oz for american visitor to Lough Currane...

19/9/11 Lough Currane was on the wild side, but this didn’t stop Mr. Dona McCarthy of Waterville and the USA catching a fine specimen...

Very consistent salmon and sea trout fishing reported from Lough Currane.

Angling guide Vincent Appleby reports that on Monday the 12th of September, Lough Currane was at a standstill as the back end of Hurricane...

Better week for sea trout fishing on Lough Currane including two fine specimen of...

From Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel, angling guide Vincent Appleby reports on the past week’s fishing trends on the LOUGH CURRANE system: 31/8/11 straight to...