Some decent salmon fishing in West Cork – Ilen and Comholla

FOR WEEK ENDING SUNDAY 5TH SEPTEMBER 2021 Ilen river - 30 Salmon, best 8lbs by a syndicate member on Prawn. Comholla river - 14 Salmon, best 7lbs...

Salmon fishing improves across the south west, bigger fish and some grilse running

Angling report for week ended 30th May River Lee: 5 salmon caught for the week on the Lee, best 12lbs on worm and fly.  Water...
Another view of the Ilen

Some west Cork rivers producing salmon

FOR WEEK ENDING SUNDAY 19TH SEPTEMBER 2021 Ilen River fished well at times and there were 20 salmon landed last week. Of these the best was...

West Cork rivers seeing some salmon run

Ilen river 25 salmon best 13lb club angler also 4lb sea trout. Coomhola River 6 Salmon best 9lb club angler. Glengariff 3 Salmon best 6lb. Ouvane river...
Another view of the Ilen

West Cork round up, Ilen fishing well

Some good catches have been enjoyed across west Cork in the week ending 13 September. The Ilen River is fishing well with 30 salmon reported....

Ilen see 10 salmon caught, other West Cork rivers quiet

There were a few salmon reported to our offices for the week ended Sunday, 21 May. All but one were from the Ilen. Ilen river...
Another view of the Ilen

Good salmon fishing on the Ilen last week

ANGLING REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING SUNDAY 13TH JUNE 2021 There were good numbers of salmon reported again last week on the Ilen. Anglers were doing well with...
The Coomhola River in Cork downstream of Coomhola

Great salmon fishing in West Cork following rains

Ilen River -   40 salmon, best 13lbs by a club angler on worm. Coomholla  River -   10 salmon, best 8lbs by a club angler on...
Ilen River at Skibereen

Some good salmon from the Ilen last week

There were 12 salmon reported by anglers on the Ilen last week. Best of these reached double figures with a 10lb fish taken on the...

Decent salmon and sea trout fishing on the Ilen after rain

River Ilen saw 10 Salmon caught last week. The best report was a 9lb fish caught by one of the club anglers on worms. There...