Bass and pollack, spoilt for choice in sunny Wexford

No problem with Bass in the Wexford  area as Guide Sean Jordan reports: This week we targeted bass on some tidal rips on early morning...

Kilmore Quay is a Fishing Hotspot

Charter Skipper John Devereux reports that there has been good sea angling in the Kilmore Quay area in recent weeks. Having received some photos of...

A new record for Rosslare Small Boats Festival – 34 species

The Welsh boat ‘Seawitch’ has won the 34th Rosslare Small Boats festival for the first time.  The boat landed an astonishing 34 marine species...

Cushen and Carley win Leinster Youths and Juniors at Kilgorman

The Leinster Youths and Juniors fished the last leg of their interprovincial qualifiers on Sunday. The venue was Kilgorman and all anglers managed double figure...

Big black sea bream for small boat anglers off Wexford shore

Eddie Butler reports on a smashing couple of days chasing sea bream off the Wexford coast... 20 July: On hearing of Bream been caught up the...
ballan wrasse

Brecon sea anglers get great fishing at Kilmore Quay

Patrick Daniels was in touch to tell us that Brecon Sea Angling visited Kilmore Quay Wexford for a two days fishing trip aboard Autumn...

Some Nice Fish Taken in Challenging Conditions in Wexford

Dessie from Southside Angling reports that a group of 13 anglers were fishing recently in the Wexford area. The fishing was described as tough...

The early bird catches the fish in Wexford

Out and about with the lark this morning was Sean Jordan from .  The reward for this dedicated angler was some fine bass. Early...

Nice mix of species aboard Karen Ann in Kilmore Quay

Skipper Walter Rankin reports that fishing on the Karen Ann has been pretty good with a variety of species caught. All the usual fish...
Steven Neely with Bass

Double figure Bass, gatarides and a pollack slayer on the Copper Coast

Steven Neely of Rookie Bass Angler set off for the Copper Coast in somewhat unsuitable fishing weather, but with determination and a longing to...