A Lovely 5.5lb Wild Brown Trout for Pat

Kells Blackwater Producing Some Fantastic Trout

Following on from the capture of a lovely 4lb plus brown trout by young Gerard McLoughlin last week, angling guide Pat McLoughlin reports that he was...
Young Gerard Shows His Great Catch Prior to Releasing it Back to the Kells Blackwater

Goldhead Gets Great Result for Young Gerard

Angling guide Pat Mc Loughlin reports that his son Gerard landed a lovely wild brown trout weighing 4.25 - 4.5lb when fishing recently on the Kells...
Selection of Nymphs

Testing Daytime Trout Fishing on the Boyne After the Mayfly

As the mayfly hatches have started to fall off on the Boyne at Navan the spent gnat is providing some good fishing in the evenings. Daytime fishing has been tough...
2lb 4oz Trout for young angler Ben Mongey

A nice 2lb 4oz trout for a young angler on Kells Blackwater

After a good days fishing on the kells blackwater, junior angler Ben Mongey age 11  caught a beautiful spotted wild brown trout which fell...

Anglers help uncover the secrets of Suir and Boyne trout stocks

Inland Fisheries Ireland, with the assistance of the Office of Public Works, population geneticists from University College Dublin and Irelands trout anglers...
Claude Gatti from Paris with his 3.75lb trout

Trout fishing closed quietly on the Kells Blackwater

Angling guide Pat McLoughlin reports that there was little fishing on the Kells Blackwater before the end of the season. Pat met with Claude Gatti from Paris...