Home Pike angling in the east

    Pike angling in the east


    The Eastern part of Ireland offers some of the best pike fishing in the country. Whether fishing the magnificent Lough Muckno in Castleblaney, Glaslough Lake at Castle Leslie or Blessington Lake, Co Wicklow, pike anglers will not be disappointed. There are expert guides available in the region that can offer the angler the best chance of catching the monster pike of a lifetime! You may also wish to try your luck at fly fishing for pike for a new and exciting fishing method that offers great results.

    Centres of Excellence

    Angling Centre

    & Fisheries

    Fisheries Profile

    Co. Monaghan

    Lough Muckno

    There is very good pike fishing in many areas of this big lake both from shore and boat. Pike to over 20 lbs. (9.072 Kg.) are recorded annually with the occasional fish over 30 lbs. (13.60 Kg.) reported. There are many vital areas to try on this lake at Black and White Island, Concra Wood (Belfast steps) and at South Lodge. Good boat hire and guiding service available. Boat slipways available at South Lodge and Black Island.

    Information and maps can be accessed here.


    Co. Monaghan

    Capragh Lake & Rahans, Lough na Glack & Monalty Lake

    There is good pike fishing in the many excellent coarse lakes near this town. Most of the fishing is from the shore including some stands and there is a slipway for boat fishing at Rahan’s lake. Pike to over 20 lbs. (10 Kg.) are recorded annually. Good boat hire and guiding service available.

    Information and maps can be accessed here.


    Co. Cavan

    Whitewood Lake,

    Ervey Lake

    These lakes produce some very good pike fishing with many 20 lbs. (9.072 Kg.) + pike reported during the season. Good fishing stands on Ervey lake. Good shore and boat fishing on both lakes.

    Information and maps can be accessed here.


    Co. Kildare

    Royal Canal

    There is some good pike fishing on many stretches of the canal in the vicinity of the town. The good towpath provides easy access all along the canal and wobbling, spinning and fly fishing some of the best methods.
    Virginia & Bailieboro

    Co. Cavan

    Lough Ramor, Drumkeary Lake, Skeagh Lake, Castle Lake & Galloncurra Lake

    This productive area has very good pike fishing with several pike over 30 lbs. (13.60 Kg.) reported annually. The variety and sizes of the lakes here offer the pike angler a huge variety of water to try in all weather conditions. There are boat slipways on Loughs Ramor and Skeagh. Many of the smaller lakes in the Baileboro area have good banks and stands to fish from.

    Information and maps can be accessed here.


    Co. Dublin

    (outside Dublin)

    Blessington Lake

    Good pike fishing with some 20 to 30 lbs. (13.60 Kg.) fish recorded annually on this large lake. There is a very long shoreline with good access points all around the lake. The fishery is closed for the month of October. ESB Permit Required.

    Information and maps can be accessed here.

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