Open for 2025 – brown tag fishery
- Salmon: 1 February to 30 September
- Seatrout: 1 February to 30 September
- Brown trout: 15 February to 30 September
Carrowmore Lake lies 3 km north-west of Bangor Erris in Co. Mayo. The slopes of Knocknascollop rise up along the west shore. The lake is over 6.5 km long and nearly 5 km at its widest part, though it narrows to 0.8 km at one point. It holds spring salmon from opening day and seatrout from late June and it has a resident stock of brown trout with some good ones among them.
The salmon fishing season opens on 1st February and the lough holds a good stock of spring salmon even early in the season. However, serious fishing begins with the first mild weather in March and a break in the winter storms. Bank fishing is not allowed. Fishing methods are spinning and flyfishing to 31st March and thereafter it is flyfishing only. This is probably the premier spring salmon fishing lough in the country.
The predominant angling quarry – at the height of the season from the end June onwards – is the seatrout. However, the lough can suffer from an algae bloom from time to time and this can have a detrimental effect on the fishing. Favourite fishing areas are around Gortmore Island on the south side, around Derreens Island on the north-west side, all along the north shore, Paradise Bay and at the mouth of the Glencullin River to the east.
Best conditions are a soft wind from the south-west. All the usual traditional fly patterns work. This lake is shallow all over and boats should take great care of rocks submerged just under the surface.
Salmon: 1 February to 30 September
Seatrout: 1 February to 30 September
Brown trout: 1 February to 30 September
Bangor Angling Club, Seamus Henry, Bangor Erris, Co. Mayo. Tel: +353 (0)97 83487, Fax: +353 (0)097 83543
Boat hire, guides & accommodation information
Bangor Angling Club, Seamus Henry, Bangor Erris, Co. Mayo. Tel: (097) 83487, fax: (097) 83543
Owenmore River
- Owenmore – Brown tag
The Owenmore drains a large are of bogs, moorland and mountains of north-west Mayo. It is every inch a brilliant salmon and sea trout fishery. Much of the water is reserved and not let. It is a big spate river and a fly only bye-law applies. One 6.5 km stretch in the middle reaches is leased by the Bangor Angling Club and limited day tickets are available.
Salmon: 1 February to 30 September
Seatrout: 1 February to 30 September
Brown trout: 1 February to 30 September
Bangor Angling Club, Seamus Henry, Bangor Erris, Co. Mayo. Tel: +353 (0)97 83487, Fax: +353 (0)097 83543