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    Lough Conn



    Open for 2024

    • Salmon from 1st February to 30th September inclusive.


    The main run of spring fish enters Lough Conn from the end of March and continues right through April. The grilse run begins in May and continues into July. Some fish are taken on fly, generally by anglers fishing for trout, but the majority are taken by trolling baits. The most popular types of bait are Copper and Silver Spoons, Tobys and Devon Minnows. Even tube flies can be successful on occasions.

    The salmon tend to confine themselves to well defined areas which are known to the local boatmen. The best known and most frequently fished locations are

    • the northern end of the lough particularly the area around the mouth of the Deel River and
    • Victoria Bay, Cuilkillew (Cornakillew), Massbrook and Castlehill Bay in the south-western and western areas of the lake.

    The strait at Pontoon Bridge between Loughs Conn and Cullin is also a favourite haunt for salmon anglers fishing from the shore with many salmon taken here on worms and baits.


    The salmon season is from 1st February to 30th September inclusive.

    Lough Conn & Lough Cullin Game Angling Guide (2.38 MB)