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Tag: grilse


Bandon gets a good run of grilse as river rises a little following rains

Eileen Carroll Murphy tells us that salmon anglers on the Bandon had some productive days on the water last week. By all accounts there...
Kingsley Weir - River Lee, Cork

Over 40 salmon reported from the Lee last week

Eileen Carroll Murphy in our Macroom office reports that last week's rain saw a more than a few grilse running the Lee. For the...
Martin Coady with a nice salmon, Blackwater Valley Fishery

Very low last week on Blackwater, but grilse about

Water levels on the Munster Blackwater were extremely low all last week and temperatures were high due to the prolonged spell of very fine...
Kingsley Weir - River Lee, Cork

Good grilse run reported on the Lee

Eileen Carroll, IFI Macroom, reports that Cork's salmon anglers did well enough on the Lee last week, all things considered. There were 30 salmon reported...

Galway Fishery sees great fishing after re-opening

  The Galway Fishery re-opened last Saturday following a long closure during the Covid-19 lockdown. Angling is still restricted to anglers from Co. Galway until...

Grilse run underway on the Erriff as anglers await the rain

Erriff Angling Report 28th June - 3rd July We have had 10 grilse landed for this period. On Friday 28th visiting angler Martin Nolde had...

Excellent grilse fishing in Galway

Well the grilse really arrived in big numbers over the last couple of weeks, with 255 salmon recorded for the fortnight. Water levels have...

Nice water at Costello provides some nice grilse

Fishery manager Brian Curran reports that the Costello Fishery received a nice lift in water levels following the rain last week, and despite light...

Welcome rain breaks the dry spell on the Erriff

Osgur Grieve was in touch with the latest news from the Erriff, where welcome rain has brought in fresh fish. Low water and high water...

Grilse providing good sport in Galway as Ned shows the young 'uns how its...

Salmon fishing has picked up further in Galway this week, and grilse are running the river in increasing numbers. There were 68 fish landed...