Home The Annamoe Trout Fishery

    The Annamoe Trout Fishery


    The Annamoe trout fishery is located in the scenic splendour of Co. Wicklow.

    It is located approximately 32km from Dublin off the N11 on the road from Laragh to roundwood. The fishery provides great flyfishing for stocked brown and rainbow trout. a range of permit rates are available and casting tuition can be arranged with advance notice. The fishery can cater for corporate groups and clubs as well as individual anglers.

    A bait pond is available for visiting juveniles and tackle is also available for hire at the fishery.

    This 4 acre fishery which is situated close to the banks of the Avonmore River has good natural feeding including large stocks of minnow. The average size of trout is 3lbs and these afll regularly to dry fly, wet fly and nymphs. The lake averages three metres in depth and so a floating line will generally suffice for most fishing conditions. A sink tip from 2 to 3 metres can be fitted if required.

    Patterns which work well include the elk hair sedge, the klinkhammer, the black gnat, assorted buzzer patterns, the greenwells spider, the gold ribbed hares ear and the silver spider.

    For further details please contact
    Brian Nally, Annamoe Trout Fishery, Annamoe, Co. Wicklow.
    Web: www.annamoetroutfishery.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Tel: 0404 45470