

    Loughs Agency map
    A rod licence is required to fish on rivers and lakes (known locally as ‘loughs’) in the Loughs Agency area. This applies equally to those fishing for trout, coarse fish and salmon. These waters lie in the North West and South East of Northern Ireland plus parts of counties Donegal and Louth in the Republic of Ireland (the Foyle and Carlingford catchments).

    In addition to a rod licence, it is a requirement to hold a permit to fish on many stretches of river and on many of the lakes in the Foyle and Carlingford systems. These are often sold locally – at license distributors, tackle shops, and even the occasional rural hardware store and grocery shop! As an indication of affordability a typical day permit costs in the region of £10.

    Rod Licence Available from:

    Loughs Agency, 22 Victoria Road, L’Derry BT47 2AB Tel: +44 (0) 28 7134 2100 RoI +353 (0)48 7134 2100 www.loughs-agency.org

    Glenelly River

    Plumbridge, Co. Tyrone

    The Glenelly River rises high in the Sperrin Mountains, one of the most beautiful locations in Northern Ireland and flows through the village of Plumbridge to join the Owenkillew near Newtownstewart. The Glenelly is a medium sized river (5-20m wide) and has a good population of wild brown trout.

    Season: 1st April – 20 October. Best Flies: Sedges, Hawthorn Flies, Large dark olives, Iron blue dun, Small dark olives, Nymphs. Methods: Fly, spinning, worm. There are a number of private stretches of water on the Glenelly River.

    More information and permits available from:

    • Gabriel Treanor, 56 Main Street, Gortin, County Tyrone. Tel: +44 (0) 28
      8164 8543;
    • David Campbell (Tackle Shop) Anglers Rest 12 Kilymore Road Newtownstewart,
      County Tyrone. Tel: +44 (0) 28 8166 1543

    Equipment: 8/10-foot (2.43m – 3.04m) rod best suited. Also, body waders as river is best fished in spate conditions.

    Guide: A guide can be arranged for almost all of the fishing by enquiring from the permit distributors or the Professional Angling Guides & Instructors Network and through their website at www.pagin.net

    Accommodation: There are a number of Hotels, B&B’s and Self-Catering accommodation providers in the Glenelly Valley area. These can be contacted through the Strabane Tourist Information Centre, The Alley Arts & Conference Centre, 1a Railway Street, Strabane, BT82 8EF.

    Tel: +44 (0) 28 7138 4444
    Text Phone: +44 (0) 28 7138 1335.
    Fax: +44 (0) 28 7138 1348.
    E-mail: [email protected]

    For more information contact: Loughs Agency, 22 Victoria Road, L’Derry BT47 2AB Tel: +44 (0) 28 7134 2100 RoI +353 (0)48 7134 2100 www.loughs-agency.org

    River Strule

    Omagh and Newtownstewart, Co. Tyrone

    The Strule is formed by the confluence of the Drumragh and Camowen rivers in the town of Omagh, County Tyrone. The river is medium sized, fast running in places with slower stretches and some well developed meanders. It then flows roughly north for some eight or nine miles before being joined by the Owenkillew when the river becomes known as the Mourne.

    Season: 1st April – 20th October.

    Methods: Fly-fishing, spinning and worming.

    Best Flies: Sedges, Klinkhammers, Hawthorn Flies, Large dark olives, Iron blue dun, Small dark olives, Nymphs & General May fly patterns, May – June.

    Permit Required: Omagh Anglers control much of the fishing on the Strule but there are some private owners. Omagh Anglers issue day tickets and 14-day tickets, these can be obtained from:

    • David Campbell, (Tackle Shop) ‘Angler’s Rest., 12 Killymore Road, Newtownstewart
      Tel: +44 (0) 28 81 661543;
    • C.A. Anderson, (Tackle Shop), 64 Main Street, Omagh
      Tel: +44 (0) 28 82 242311

    Guide: A guide can be arranged for almost all of the fishing by enquiring from the permit distributor or the Professional Angling Guides & Instructors Network and through their website at www.pagin.net

    Accommodation: There are a number of hotels, B&B’s and self-catering providers in the Omagh to Newtownstewart area. These can be contacted through the Tourist Information Centre, 1 Market Street, Omagh, Tel: 028 82 247831, E-mail: [email protected]. The Alley Arts & Conference Centre, 1a Railway Street, Strabane, BT82 8EF.Tel: +44 (0) 28 7138 4444, Text Phone: +44 (0) 28 7138 1335. Fax: +44 (0) 28 7138 1348. E-mail: [email protected]

    Cloghfin River

    Beragh, Co. Tyrone

    The Cloghfin has excellent trout fishing available for several miles upstream of its confluence with the River Camowen.

    Season: 1st April – 20th October.

    Permit: CA Andersons (Tackle Shop), 64 Market, Street Omagh, Co. Tyrone. Tel: +44 (0) 28 8224 2311

    Best Times: April– October. Methods: Fly, spinning, worm.

    Best Flies: Large dark olive, Iron Blue Dun, Small Dark Olive, Sedges, Nymphs, Klinkhammers.

    Guide: A guide is available for almost all of the fishing by enquiring to local distributors or the Professional Angling Guides & Instructors Network and through their website at www.pagin.net

    Accommodation: Omagh Tourist & Information, 1 Market Street, Omagh.
    Tel: +44 (0) 28 8224 7831.

    Deele River

    Convoy, Co. Donegal

    The river Deele flows into the main river Foyle approximately 1 mile below the Lifford Bridge. Traditionally known as an excellent trout river from June onwards.

    Season: 1st April – 20 October.

    Permits Required: Daily and season permits are available from:
    Billy Vance, Milltown Convoy,
    Tel: +353 9147290.

    Best Time: 1st April – 20th October.

    Methods: Mepps spinner or bait most popular on the river. Fly-fishing not popular but some stretches suit. Most popular stretch of water is from the town land of Gobnascale down stream to Convoy. Best Flies: Teal and Green, Bibo, & Black Pennel.

    Guide: A guide can be arranged for almost all of the fishing by enquiring from the permit distributors or the Professional Angling Guides & Instructors Network and through their website at www.pagin.net

    Tackle shops in nearby Lifford and Strabane.

    Strabane Tourism Information Centre,
    The Alley Arts & Conference Centre, 1a Railway Street, Strabane, BT82 8EF.
    Tel: +44 (0) 28 7138 4444, Text Phone: +44 (0) 28 7138 1335.
    Fax: +44 (0) 28 7138 1348.
    E-mail: [email protected].

    Letterkenny Tourist Office,
    Neil T/Blaney Road, Letterkenny,
    Tel: + 35) 7491 21160, Email: [email protected].

    Drumragh River

    Omagh, Co. Tyrone

    The River Drumragh has excellent trout fishing over its entire length. Great fly hatches in May and June.

    Season: 1st April – 20th October.

    Permit: CA Andersons (Tackle Shop), 64 Market Street, Omagh Co. Tyrone.
    Tel: +44 (0) 28 8224 2311.

    Best Times: April – October.

    Methods: Fly, spinning, worm. Best Flies: Sedges, Klinkhammers, Hawthorn Flies, Large dark olives, Iron blue dun Small dark olives, Nymphs & General May fly patterns May – June.

    Guide: A guide can be arranged for almost all of the fishing by enquiring from the permit distributors or the Professional Angling Guides & Instructors Network and through their website at www.pagin.net

    Omagh Tourist & Information,
    1 Market Street Omagh.
    Tel: +44 (0) 28 8224 7831.

    Owenreagh River

    Dromore, Co. Tyrone

    The Owenreagh River has superb trout fishing up to B84 Bridge, with great opportunities for the roaming angler utilising upstream dry fly techniques.

    Season: 1st April – 20th October.

    CA Andersons (Tackle Shop),
    64 Market Street, Omagh, Co. Tyrone,
    Tel: +44 (0) 28 8224 2311.

    Best Times: April – October.

    Methods: Fly, spinning, worm. Best Flies: Sedges, Klinkhammers, Hawthorn Flies, Large dark olives, Iron blue dun, Small dark olives, Nymphs, General May fly patterns May – June.

    Guide: A guide can be arranged for almost all of the fishing by enquiring from the permit distributors or the Professional Angling Guides & Instructors Network and through their website at www.pagin.net

    Omagh Tourist & Information,
    1 Market Street, Omagh, Tel: +44 (0) 28 7831.

    Quiggery Water

    Fintona, Co. Tyrone

    This river has substantial mayfly hatch in the middle of May with trout between 2 lbs and 3 lbs taken every year. Spate can also bring on the bigger fish in the evening.

    Sason: 1st April – 20th October

    Permit: CA Andersons (Tackle Shop) 64 Market Street Omagh Co. Tyrone Tel: +44 (0) 28 8224 2311

    Best Times: April – October.

    Methods: Fly, spinning, worm. Best Flies: Sedges, Klinkhammers, Hawthorn Flies & General Mayflies.

    Guide: A guide can be arranged for almost all of the fishing by enquiring from the permit distributors or the Professional Angling Guides & Instructors Network and through their website at www.pagin.net

    Accommodation: Omagh Tourist & Information, 1 Market Street, Omagh.
    Tel: +44 (0) 28 8224 7831

    Dennet River

    Donemana, Co. Tyrone

    Dennet Anglers Association Donemana, Co. Tyrone has 15miles, (24km) of both banks fishing. Burn Dennet is a medium sized (5- 20m wide) river perhaps best known for its sea trout, which are at their peak from June to August.

    Brown trout are best fished for in June and July as a spate is fining down. Tackle shop in nearby town of Strabane. Nearest /Village: Donemana (Dunamanagh). How to get there: Near the village of Donemana (Dunamanagh) and the main Londonderry/Strabane Road. Season: 20th May – 20th October.

    Methods: Fly, spinning, worm. Best Flies: Sedges, Klinkhammers, Hawthorn Flies, Large dark olives, Iron blue dun, Small dark olives Nymphs & General May fly patterns, May – June. Size Limit: Limit: 25.4cm (10ins).

    Permit: An unlimited number of day tickets.
    For more information contact: Loughs Agency, 22 Victoria Road, L’Derry, BT47 2AB.
    Tel: (028) 7134 2100, RoI (048) 7134 2100
    Web: www.loughs-agency.org

    Camowen River

    Omagh, Co. Tyrone

    The Camowen River is medium sized (5-20m wide) with an abundance of brown trout along with some early salmon. Nearest Town/Village: Omagh. How to get there: River runs south-east of Omagh town.

    Day Ticket Outlets: C A Anderson & Co Fishing & Shooting, 64 Market Street,
    Omagh. Tel: 028 8224 2311.

    Permit: Day tickets are available. Sunday tickets must be booked in advance.

    Size Limit: Limit: 25.4cm (10ins).

    Methods: Fly, spinning, worm. Best Flies: Sedges, Klinkhammers, Hawthorn Flies, Large dark olives, Iron blue dun, Small dark olives, Nymphs & General May fly patterns, May – June.

    For more information contact: Loughs Agency, 22 Victoria Road, L’Derry, BT47 2AB.
    Tel: (028) 7134 2100, RoI (048) 7134 2100
    Web: www.loughs-agency.org