Home River Boro trout fishing

    River Boro trout fishing


    The River Boro rises at the foot of the Blackstairs Mountains and flows in an easterly direction for approximately 15 miles before entering the river Slaney about two miles below Enniscorthy. The river flows through open countryside and is tree lined along much of its course. The Borodale area is particularly beautiful and contains a number of good holding pools.

    This river get’s an excellent run of sea trout and there are fish in the river from the end of June. The best of the fishing is from mid July to the middle of August and thereafter fish are taken in the higher reaches. In all, there is about ten miles of fishing on this river, extending as far upstream as Castleboro. Fishing is controlled by Inland Fisheries Ireland and riparian owners. There can be heavy angling pressure in the evenings and a development program has been implemented by IFI to help alleviate the pressure. a number bof new pools have ben created in the Boro Dale and Wilton areas.

    Location: Co. Wexford. The main towns in the area are Enniscorthy and Clonroche

    Season: Fishing takes place from March 10th to September 15th.

    Fish Species: The Boro contains stocks of small wild brown trout and but is primarily a sea-trout river.

    Methods: Fishing must be consistent with bye laws for the time being in force as well as the current rules and regulations set out by Inland Fisheries Ireland and riparian owners.

    Best Flies: black pennell, teal, blue and silver, peter ross

    Angling Club: This water is controlled by IFI and riparian owners

    Fishing Tip: Night time fishing and standard sea-trout patterns produce the best results for sea trout.

    Permits: Permits for this river may be purchased from the folowing outlets
    Charles Cullen, Fishing Tackle, 14 Templeshannon, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. Tel: 054 33478.
    Miles Kehoe, Castle Hill, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. Tel: 054 33588
    G. Mc Auley, Sport and Style, Rafter Street, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. Tel: 054 33317