Home Lough Corrib

    Lough Corrib


    Lough Corrib is 42,000 acres in size and stretches in length from within 4 miles of Galway City to within 2 miles of Maum Bridge, a distance of 33 miles. The Lough is renowned for its wild brown trout and salmon fishing. Brown trout fishing is usually good from the first day of the season and the salmon fishing for grilse is best from around the end of May. Trout can be caught on wet fly from opening day, Feb. 15th.

    Each season, a number of specimen brown trout are caught on the lough, and the record stands at around 21.5lb, caught in September 2002. There are boats for hire at several locations around the lough, and boatmen are also available at most boat stations. Angling on Lough Corrib is free.


    Brown Trout: 15th Feb. – 30th Sept.
    Sea Trout: 1st June – 30th Sept.
    Salmon: 1st Feb. – 30th Sept.


    This Bye-law provides for a daily bag limit of 4 trout of which not more than 1 trout is greater than 10 lbs (4.54 kgs), and prohibits –

    (a) the taking of trout less than 13 inches (33 cm),
    (b) the use of more than 1 rod or 4 artificial flies when fly fishing,
    (c) the use of more than 1 rod when dapping,
    (d) the use of more than 2 rods or 4 artificial flies per rod when trolling,
    (e) the use of more than 2 rods when bait fishing or spinning, and
    (f) the having on board a boat more than 3 rods when more than 1 person is bait fishing, spinning or trolling.

    Angling guides

    Ardnasillagh Lodge

    Address Oughterard Galway Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 86 086 9758 Mobile Phone: +353 91 552550

    Ashford Castle

    Address Ashford Castle Cong Mayo Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 87 2524253 Phone: +353 94 9546348 Website: https://ashfordcastle.com

    Bayview Angling Centre

    Address Derry Quay Cross Cong Mayo Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 87 2130416 Mobile Phone: +353 94 95 46385 Website: bayviewangling.com

    Birchhall Lodge and Angling

    Address Curraveha Birchall Galway H91 WPC3 Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 86 256 5009 Website: birchallonloughcorrib.com

    Camillaun Lodge and Angling Centre

    Address Camillaun Lodge Eighterard Oughterard Galway Ireland Phone: +353 (0)91 552678 Website: camillaun.com

    Corrib View Lodge and Angling Services

    Address Glencorrib Shrule Galway Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 87 9135222 Mobile Phone: +353 93 31718 Website: corribangling.com

    Currarevagh House

    Address Currarevagh House Oughterard Galway H91 X3C2 Ireland Phone: +353 91 552312 Website: currarevagh.com

    Dooroy Lodge Self Catering Accommodation

    Address Coalpark Quay Clonbur Galway F12 VW50 Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 87 2406788 Mobile Phone: +353 94 9548159 Website: selfcateringcong.com


    Address Lanesborough Longford Ireland Mobile Phone: + 353 857741578 Website: lcorrlures.com

    Ireland West Angling

    Address Aille West Inverin Galway H91V4K8 Ireland Website: irelandwestangling.ie

    Lough Corrib Boats

    Address Ardlougher Lodge Glann Oughterard Galway Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 87 9190673 Website: loughcorriboughterard.com

    Ryans River Lodge

    Address Riverview Cong Mayo F31 WK30 Ireland Mobile Phone: +353 86 3569999 Phone: +353 94 9545956 Website: ryansriverlodge.com

    Tom Doc Fishing and Guiding

    Address Dooras Cornamona Galway F12 K443 Ireland Phone: +353 87 611 3933 Website: tomdoc.com

    Boat Hire

    Information on where boats can be hired from is available at this link.

    Fishery Contact Details

    Address: Inland Fisheries Ireland, Teach Breac, Earl’s Island, Galway.
    Telephone: +353 (0)91 563118
    Fax: +353 (0)91 566335
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Website: www.fishinginireland.info