Ireland has a temperate climate, with rain falling throughout the year. As a rule of thumb, the further west one goes the wetter it gets. This rainfall leads to excellent conditions for salmon and sea trout but also means that the angler should pay close attention to local weather forecasts prior to fishing.
At all times the fishing will depend to some extent on prevailing weather, water levels, barometric pressure and temperature. Most Irish rivers and loughs are subject to seasonal rhythms of high and low water. The high winds of spring and autumn can render boat fishing on the bigger loughs unsafe for short periods. If going afloat on one of the large Irish loughs it is essential to get a weather forecast and plan the day accordingly.
Weather Forecast Resources Republic of Ireland
- RTÉ Radio and Television
- Met Eireann – The Irish Meteorological Service
Met Eireann Weatherdial Service:
(local numbers, premium rates apply)
- South West (Munster) 1550 123 850
- North (Ulster) 1550 123 853
- East and midlands (Leinster) 1550 123 851
- West and northwest (Connacht) 1550 123 852
- Dublin 1550 123 854.
Weather Forecast Resources Northern Ireland
- BBC Radio & Television
- UTV television
- The Met Office