David Norman reports from his blog West Cork Bass Fishing :
As bad forecasts go this one wasn’t too bad, the storms of the previous week had calmed but I knew that dirty water as a result of all the rain we’ve had and suspended weed would be an issue. I went with my favorite lure for these dirty conditions a big white shad to which I added a rattle for good measure. This particular shad was the Sawamura One Up 6″ mounted on a 5/0 EWG Springlock 5.25g which is weedless, flys a long way and presents a nice big target with a sound signature to match. When you add it all up A lot of time and effort went into catching this fish, loading line, tying leaders, mounting soft plastics onto hooks at home, packing the car driving to the area, overnight accommodation an early start struggling into clothing and waders and that’s all before the fishing actually starts!
So was it all worth it for one fish? For me, and at this time of year, I would have to say YES…
(Scale samples were taken from this fish to be sent off and an entry made in a logbook both as part of the Inland Fisheries Ireland – National Bass Programme)
David Norman
West Cork Bass Fishing