A taste of the fishing from Donegal with Steven Neely reporting:

It was nice to be heading off to Co. Donegal for a long weekend and with the forecast given it was looking promising. The weather during the week was settled and the wind was to be coming from the south – which suits me nicely as most of my marks face north.

We arrived late on Friday night, geared up and set the alarms.

Early next morning we were up and on the coast for just after 7 am and it was looking in good shape – clarity was fantastic and for once no huge swell.

Sounds good right? Nothing! Not a tap, follow or bite ……. It was odd. I was left scratching my head and still am. The only thing I can put it down to was the wind switched slightly into the SE and the pressure took a dip briefly but perhaps it was enough just to switch it off.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAfter getting back and having some well needed breakfast we decided to take a run out for sea trout to see if we faired any better. A short hour long session produced 6 fish. Nothing big but it was a relief to catch something.

We decided to try the coast again the next morning to see if things changed. We set off for a different mark with slightly trimmed expectations. Conditions were similar to before and the results not much different.

We managed a few plump pollack at the start but then it all slacked.

Fiiish Black Minnow 120
Fiiish Black Minnow 120

As we had done the day before we headed out for some sea trout and caught another 5. Sport was good though on the 3-12g rods.

Fiiish Crazy Sand Eel
Fiiish Crazy Sand Eel

I had started using a Smith TR Surger – great looking little lure and I have high hopes for it later in the season.

It was nice though to get out and about over the weekend and be able to fish in relatively calmish conditions compared to what we had at the start of the year.

Things seem to be warming up now and hopefully will start to kick off.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAA nice little trout to end the session.

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Web: www.fishonlures.co.uk

Steven Neely

Rookie Bass Angler

Web: www.rookiebassangler.com

DISCLAIMER NOTE: Inland Fisheries Ireland do not support any brand over another.